General Kindness

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“Treat others the way you wish to be treated” is so simple and almost cliché, but it is so fucking real.  You never know who a stranger really is or the things that they may be going through.  I try my best to be kind to everyone that I meet, but I have had fights or general bad days, and treated strangers like shit as a result, and that is something that I need to work on personally, so I understand fighting those same battles, but in general, I believe there isn’t enough kindness in this world.  That’s pretty obvious I guess, but I do get surprised some days by the beauty of people.  Sometimes I run into 10 people and they’re all just nice and respectful, and that feels amazing.  Then on other days you almost always interact or witness those assholes whom never take strangers into consideration, and if they’re inconvenienced in any way, everyone else must pay.  Conceited people are so gross to me, and I hope that I have helped to change one or two throughout my life, but I’m not sure if I have that power just yet.  I truly believe that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, and I try to live that way, but it is hard.  Looking at people like children, and if they’re an asshole, picture them as children in a dysfunctional family, and try to understand why they may have the attitude that they do.  Psychoanalyzing others might not be in everyone’s repertoire, but I wish more people would try it in a very simple fashion.  Either put yourself in their shoes, or put yourself in a mental state to try and understand all of the possible ways that they have become who they are.  If all of those steps are taken, and they still act like an asshole, then fuck em, move on and meet somebody new.  Some people are just dicks.  Either way, treating people with kindness and respect is mandatory for me.  I think it is a huge part of life in general, and I am proud of the way that I was raised, and the steps that I have taken in the right direction on this general life goal.