Having faith does not instantly make you a good person. To me that is such an archaic idea.. Why would that matter? Yes some religious people have wonderful values, but that doesn’t make them great people. The way they treat others, and their actions behind closed doors is what really makes a person. If you genuinely think that there is a heaven and you hope that I find God so that I can go there, I appreciate that. It’s a lovely thought, and I am happy people think that way, but that thought doesn’t separate you from me. I’m no atheist, but the thought of knowing what exactly happened to put us here, or where we are going is not rational to me. All religions today are derivative of dead religions in the past. The stories have been told over and over again and the names have been changed. It is silly to think that out of the thousands of gods throughout history, yours is the “real” one. Be kind, silently accept whatever personal savior you wish, but please don’t judge others for not believing the same very unbelievable things as you. We can all be great in our own way. If you think that I will burn in hell because I didn’t “find god” then I can understand that, and I will suffer my fate when it comes, but you are not better than me. It is also very obvious that a politicians religion should have nothing to do with their character or how anyone votes. Just as their sexual orientation, race, or gender shouldn’t. Judge not lest ye be judged my friends.